hivemind.lib.EJBProxyFactory Service
The EJBProxyFactory service is used to construct a HiveMind service that delegates to an EJB stateless session bean. The EJB's remote interface is the service interface. When the first service method is invoked, the fabricated proxy will perform a JNDI lookup (using the NameLookup service), and invokes create() on the returned home interface.
The single service instance will be shared by all threads.
The service expects a single parameter element:
<construct home-interface="..." jndi-name="..." name-lookup-service="..."/>
The home-interface attribute is the complete class name for the home interface, and is required.
The jndi-name attribute is the name of the EJB's home interface, also required.
The name-lookup-service-id attribute is optional and rarely used; it is an alternate service implementing the NameLookup interface to be used for JNDI lookups.