Uses of Class

Packages that use MethodFilter

Uses of MethodFilter in org.apache.hivemind.methodmatch

Subclasses of MethodFilter in org.apache.hivemind.methodmatch
 class CompositeFilter
          Runs a suite of MethodFilters, returning true only if each filter does.
 class ExactNameFilter
          Matches a method if the name is an exact match.
 class InfixNameFilter
          Matches a method when the provided string appears anywhere in the method name.
 class MatchAllFilter
          Matches all methods, regardless of name.
 class NamePrefixFilter
          Matches when a provide name is a prefix of the method name.
 class NameSuffixFilter
          Used to match a method name against a suffix.
 class ParameterCountFilter
          Checks the number of parameters against an expected count.
 class ParameterFilter
          Matches a parameter at a particular index.

Methods in org.apache.hivemind.methodmatch that return MethodFilter
 MethodFilter MethodPatternParser.parseMethodPattern(java.lang.String pattern)