Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Success Rate | Time |
| TestConfigurationPoint | 23 | 0 | 0 | 100.00% | 1.32 |
| TestConversion | 6 | 0 | 0 | 100.00% | 0.33 |
| TestUniqueElementAttribute | 3 | 0 | 0 | 100.00% | 0.35 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testNestedSubModule | 0.05 |
| testMissingSubModule | 0.06 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testBadClass | 0.01 |
| testUnrecognizedValue | 0.00 |
| testBadField | 0.00 |
| testNoClassOrService | 0.00 |
| testGetContentTranslator | 0.01 |
| testGetContentTranslatorUnspecified | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeTranslator | 0.00 |
| testStackEmpty | 0.00 |
| testKeyedElement | 0.01 |
| testUniqueElement | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeDefault | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationTranslator | 0.20 |
| testFailure | 0.09 |
| testMappedConfigurationTranslator | 0.08 |
| testSuccess | 0.00 |
| testNullInput | 0.00 |
| testBadLocator | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrefix | 0.00 |
| testBasics | 0.04 |
| testParentMethod | 0.04 |
| testPropertyNameDefaultsToAttributeName | 0.12 |
| testComplexAttributeName | 0.04 |
| testExtraAttributeNames | 0.04 |
| testDuplicateAttribute | 0.04 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testSmartFacet | 0.13 |
| testInitializeMethodFailure | 0.10 |
| testBuilderErrorHandlerFacet | 0.00 |
| testSetErrorHandler | 0.17 |
| testConstructErrorHandler | 0.07 |
| testBuilderClassResolverFacet | 0.01 |
| testSetClassResolver | 0.08 |
| testConstructClassResolver | 0.07 |
| testAutowire | 0.01 |
| testAutowireInitializer | 0.00 |
| testAutowireServices | 0.00 |
| testAutowireConstructor | 0.01 |
| testAutowireConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testSetObject | 0.23 |
| testAutowireService | 0.07 |
| testBuilderAccess | 0.11 |
| testBuilderAccessFailure | 0.11 |
| testConstructorFactory | 0.26 |
| testKeywords | 0.00 |
| testComplexSymbol | 0.00 |
| testParens | 0.00 |
| testInvalidCharacter | 0.00 |
| testSymbolAtEnd | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.04 |
| testEmpty | 0.03 |
| testNullElement | 0.05 |
| testAttributeDefaults | 0.06 |
| testNested | 0.03 |
| testStructured | 0.03 |
| testSetParent | 0.04 |
| testBooleanTranslator | 0.17 |
| testIntTranslator | 0.05 |
| testInstanceTranslator | 0.03 |
| testSymbols | 0.07 |
| testNoSchema | 0.03 |
| testLocalized | 0.06 |
| testElementsProxyList | 0.16 |
| testTooFew | 0.03 |
| testTooMany | 0.04 |
| testBadAttributes | 0.03 |
| testBadElement | 0.04 |
| testCustomRule | 0.04 |
| testCustomRuleFailure | 0.01 |
| testResourceTranslator | 0.07 |
| testShutdown | 0.05 |
| testUnknownContribution | 0.15 |
| testInt | 0.00 |
| testNullInput | 0.00 |
| testBlankInput | 0.00 |
| testDefault | 0.00 |
| testDouble | 0.00 |
| testString | 0.00 |
| testObjectAsString | 0.01 |
| testStringWithNoEditor | 0.00 |
| testNoEditor | 0.00 |
| testIntTranslator | 0.00 |
| testIntDefault | 0.00 |
| testIntLow | 0.00 |
| testIntHigh | 0.00 |
| testIntDefaultValue | 0.00 |
| testIntInvalid | 0.00 |
| testLongTranslator | 0.00 |
| testLongDefault | 0.00 |
| testLongLow | 0.00 |
| testLongHigh | 0.00 |
| testLongDefaultValue | 0.00 |
| testLongInvalid | 0.00 |
| testDoubleTranslator | 0.00 |
| testDoubleDefault | 0.00 |
| testDoubleLow | 0.00 |
| testDoubleHigh | 0.00 |
| testDoubleDefaultValue | 0.00 |
| testDoubleInvalid | 0.00 |
| testNoFile | 0.01 |
| testNoDescriptors | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testNestedSubModule | 0.05 |
| testMissingSubModule | 0.06 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testBadClass | 0.01 |
| testUnrecognizedValue | 0.00 |
| testBadField | 0.00 |
| testNoClassOrService | 0.00 |
| testGetContentTranslator | 0.01 |
| testGetContentTranslatorUnspecified | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeTranslator | 0.00 |
| testStackEmpty | 0.00 |
| testKeyedElement | 0.01 |
| testUniqueElement | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeDefault | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationTranslator | 0.20 |
| testFailure | 0.09 |
| testMappedConfigurationTranslator | 0.08 |
| testSuccess | 0.00 |
| testNullInput | 0.00 |
| testBadLocator | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrefix | 0.00 |
| testBasics | 0.04 |
| testParentMethod | 0.04 |
| testPropertyNameDefaultsToAttributeName | 0.12 |
| testComplexAttributeName | 0.04 |
| testExtraAttributeNames | 0.04 |
| testDuplicateAttribute | 0.04 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testSmartFacet | 0.13 |
| testInitializeMethodFailure | 0.10 |
| testBuilderErrorHandlerFacet | 0.00 |
| testSetErrorHandler | 0.17 |
| testConstructErrorHandler | 0.07 |
| testBuilderClassResolverFacet | 0.01 |
| testSetClassResolver | 0.08 |
| testConstructClassResolver | 0.07 |
| testAutowire | 0.01 |
| testAutowireInitializer | 0.00 |
| testAutowireServices | 0.00 |
| testAutowireConstructor | 0.01 |
| testAutowireConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testSetObject | 0.23 |
| testAutowireService | 0.07 |
| testBuilderAccess | 0.11 |
| testBuilderAccessFailure | 0.11 |
| testConstructorFactory | 0.26 |
| testKeywords | 0.00 |
| testComplexSymbol | 0.00 |
| testParens | 0.00 |
| testInvalidCharacter | 0.00 |
| testSymbolAtEnd | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.04 |
| testEmpty | 0.03 |
| testNullElement | 0.05 |
| testAttributeDefaults | 0.06 |
| testNested | 0.03 |
| testStructured | 0.03 |
| testSetParent | 0.04 |
| testBooleanTranslator | 0.17 |
| testIntTranslator | 0.05 |
| testInstanceTranslator | 0.03 |
| testSymbols | 0.07 |
| testNoSchema | 0.03 |
| testLocalized | 0.06 |
| testElementsProxyList | 0.16 |
| testTooFew | 0.03 |
| testTooMany | 0.04 |
| testBadAttributes | 0.03 |
| testBadElement | 0.04 |
| testCustomRule | 0.04 |
| testCustomRuleFailure | 0.01 |
| testResourceTranslator | 0.07 |
| testShutdown | 0.05 |
| testUnknownContribution | 0.15 |
| testInt | 0.00 |
| testNullInput | 0.00 |
| testBlankInput | 0.00 |
| testDefault | 0.00 |
| testDouble | 0.00 |
| testString | 0.00 |
| testObjectAsString | 0.01 |
| testStringWithNoEditor | 0.00 |
| testNoEditor | 0.00 |
| testIntTranslator | 0.00 |
| testIntDefault | 0.00 |
| testIntLow | 0.00 |
| testIntHigh | 0.00 |
| testIntDefaultValue | 0.00 |
| testIntInvalid | 0.00 |
| testLongTranslator | 0.00 |
| testLongDefault | 0.00 |
| testLongLow | 0.00 |
| testLongHigh | 0.00 |
| testLongDefaultValue | 0.00 |
| testLongInvalid | 0.00 |
| testDoubleTranslator | 0.00 |
| testDoubleDefault | 0.00 |
| testDoubleLow | 0.00 |
| testDoubleHigh | 0.00 |
| testDoubleDefaultValue | 0.00 |
| testDoubleInvalid | 0.00 |
| testNoFile | 0.01 |
| testNoDescriptors | 0.00 |
| testMissingURLResource | 2.33 |
| testSimple | 0.02 |
| testDirectory | 0.00 |
| testDirectoryInClasspath | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoProperty | 0.00 |
| testNoClasspath | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testNestedSubModule | 0.05 |
| testMissingSubModule | 0.06 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testBadClass | 0.01 |
| testUnrecognizedValue | 0.00 |
| testBadField | 0.00 |
| testNoClassOrService | 0.00 |
| testGetContentTranslator | 0.01 |
| testGetContentTranslatorUnspecified | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeTranslator | 0.00 |
| testStackEmpty | 0.00 |
| testKeyedElement | 0.01 |
| testUniqueElement | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeDefault | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationTranslator | 0.20 |
| testFailure | 0.09 |
| testMappedConfigurationTranslator | 0.08 |
| testSuccess | 0.00 |
| testNullInput | 0.00 |
| testBadLocator | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrefix | 0.00 |
| testBasics | 0.04 |
| testParentMethod | 0.04 |
| testPropertyNameDefaultsToAttributeName | 0.12 |
| testComplexAttributeName | 0.04 |
| testExtraAttributeNames | 0.04 |
| testDuplicateAttribute | 0.04 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testSmartFacet | 0.13 |
| testInitializeMethodFailure | 0.10 |
| testBuilderErrorHandlerFacet | 0.00 |
| testSetErrorHandler | 0.17 |
| testConstructErrorHandler | 0.07 |
| testBuilderClassResolverFacet | 0.01 |
| testSetClassResolver | 0.08 |
| testConstructClassResolver | 0.07 |
| testAutowire | 0.01 |
| testAutowireInitializer | 0.00 |
| testAutowireServices | 0.00 |
| testAutowireConstructor | 0.01 |
| testAutowireConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testSetObject | 0.23 |
| testAutowireService | 0.07 |
| testBuilderAccess | 0.11 |
| testBuilderAccessFailure | 0.11 |
| testConstructorFactory | 0.26 |
| testKeywords | 0.00 |
| testComplexSymbol | 0.00 |
| testParens | 0.00 |
| testInvalidCharacter | 0.00 |
| testSymbolAtEnd | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.04 |
| testEmpty | 0.03 |
| testNullElement | 0.05 |
| testAttributeDefaults | 0.06 |
| testNested | 0.03 |
| testStructured | 0.03 |
| testSetParent | 0.04 |
| testBooleanTranslator | 0.17 |
| testIntTranslator | 0.05 |
| testInstanceTranslator | 0.03 |
| testSymbols | 0.07 |
| testNoSchema | 0.03 |
| testLocalized | 0.06 |
| testElementsProxyList | 0.16 |
| testTooFew | 0.03 |
| testTooMany | 0.04 |
| testBadAttributes | 0.03 |
| testBadElement | 0.04 |
| testCustomRule | 0.04 |
| testCustomRuleFailure | 0.01 |
| testResourceTranslator | 0.07 |
| testShutdown | 0.05 |
| testUnknownContribution | 0.15 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testNestedSubModule | 0.05 |
| testMissingSubModule | 0.06 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testBadClass | 0.01 |
| testUnrecognizedValue | 0.00 |
| testBadField | 0.00 |
| testNoClassOrService | 0.00 |
| testGetContentTranslator | 0.01 |
| testGetContentTranslatorUnspecified | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeTranslator | 0.00 |
| testStackEmpty | 0.00 |
| testKeyedElement | 0.01 |
| testUniqueElement | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeDefault | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationTranslator | 0.20 |
| testFailure | 0.09 |
| testMappedConfigurationTranslator | 0.08 |
| testSuccess | 0.00 |
| testNullInput | 0.00 |
| testBadLocator | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrefix | 0.00 |
| testBasics | 0.04 |
| testParentMethod | 0.04 |
| testPropertyNameDefaultsToAttributeName | 0.12 |
| testComplexAttributeName | 0.04 |
| testExtraAttributeNames | 0.04 |
| testDuplicateAttribute | 0.04 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testNestedSubModule | 0.05 |
| testMissingSubModule | 0.06 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testBadClass | 0.01 |
| testUnrecognizedValue | 0.00 |
| testBadField | 0.00 |
| testNoClassOrService | 0.00 |
| testGetContentTranslator | 0.01 |
| testGetContentTranslatorUnspecified | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeTranslator | 0.00 |
| testStackEmpty | 0.00 |
| testKeyedElement | 0.01 |
| testUniqueElement | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeDefault | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationTranslator | 0.20 |
| testFailure | 0.09 |
| testMappedConfigurationTranslator | 0.08 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testNestedSubModule | 0.05 |
| testMissingSubModule | 0.06 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testBadClass | 0.01 |
| testUnrecognizedValue | 0.00 |
| testBadField | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testNestedSubModule | 0.05 |
| testMissingSubModule | 0.06 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testBadClass | 0.01 |
| testUnrecognizedValue | 0.00 |
| testBadField | 0.00 |
| testNoClassOrService | 0.00 |
| testGetContentTranslator | 0.01 |
| testGetContentTranslatorUnspecified | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeTranslator | 0.00 |
| testStackEmpty | 0.00 |
| testKeyedElement | 0.01 |
| testUniqueElement | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeDefault | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationTranslator | 0.20 |
| testFailure | 0.09 |
| testMappedConfigurationTranslator | 0.08 |
| testSuccess | 0.00 |
| testNullInput | 0.00 |
| testBadLocator | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrefix | 0.00 |
| testBasics | 0.04 |
| testParentMethod | 0.04 |
| testPropertyNameDefaultsToAttributeName | 0.12 |
| testComplexAttributeName | 0.04 |
| testExtraAttributeNames | 0.04 |
| testDuplicateAttribute | 0.04 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testSmartFacet | 0.13 |
| testInitializeMethodFailure | 0.10 |
| testBuilderErrorHandlerFacet | 0.00 |
| testSetErrorHandler | 0.17 |
| testConstructErrorHandler | 0.07 |
| testBuilderClassResolverFacet | 0.01 |
| testSetClassResolver | 0.08 |
| testConstructClassResolver | 0.07 |
| testAutowire | 0.01 |
| testAutowireInitializer | 0.00 |
| testAutowireServices | 0.00 |
| testAutowireConstructor | 0.01 |
| testAutowireConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testSetObject | 0.23 |
| testAutowireService | 0.07 |
| testBuilderAccess | 0.11 |
| testBuilderAccessFailure | 0.11 |
| testConstructorFactory | 0.26 |
| testKeywords | 0.00 |
| testComplexSymbol | 0.00 |
| testParens | 0.00 |
| testInvalidCharacter | 0.00 |
| testSymbolAtEnd | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.04 |
| testEmpty | 0.03 |
| testNullElement | 0.05 |
| testAttributeDefaults | 0.06 |
| testNested | 0.03 |
| testStructured | 0.03 |
| testSetParent | 0.04 |
| testBooleanTranslator | 0.17 |
| testIntTranslator | 0.05 |
| testInstanceTranslator | 0.03 |
| testSymbols | 0.07 |
| testNoSchema | 0.03 |
| testLocalized | 0.06 |
| testElementsProxyList | 0.16 |
| testTooFew | 0.03 |
| testTooMany | 0.04 |
| testBadAttributes | 0.03 |
| testBadElement | 0.04 |
| testCustomRule | 0.04 |
| testCustomRuleFailure | 0.01 |
| testResourceTranslator | 0.07 |
| testShutdown | 0.05 |
| testUnknownContribution | 0.15 |
| testInt | 0.00 |
| testNullInput | 0.00 |
| testBlankInput | 0.00 |
| testDefault | 0.00 |
| testDouble | 0.00 |
| testString | 0.00 |
| testObjectAsString | 0.01 |
| testStringWithNoEditor | 0.00 |
| testNoEditor | 0.00 |
| testIntTranslator | 0.00 |
| testIntDefault | 0.00 |
| testIntLow | 0.00 |
| testIntHigh | 0.00 |
| testIntDefaultValue | 0.00 |
| testIntInvalid | 0.00 |
| testLongTranslator | 0.00 |
| testLongDefault | 0.00 |
| testLongLow | 0.00 |
| testLongHigh | 0.00 |
| testLongDefaultValue | 0.00 |
| testLongInvalid | 0.00 |
| testDoubleTranslator | 0.00 |
| testDoubleDefault | 0.00 |
| testDoubleLow | 0.00 |
| testDoubleHigh | 0.00 |
| testDoubleDefaultValue | 0.00 |
| testDoubleInvalid | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testNestedSubModule | 0.05 |
| testMissingSubModule | 0.06 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testBadClass | 0.01 |
| testUnrecognizedValue | 0.00 |
| testBadField | 0.00 |
| testNoClassOrService | 0.00 |
| testGetContentTranslator | 0.01 |
| testGetContentTranslatorUnspecified | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeTranslator | 0.00 |
| testStackEmpty | 0.00 |
| testKeyedElement | 0.01 |
| testUniqueElement | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeDefault | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationTranslator | 0.20 |
| testFailure | 0.09 |
| testMappedConfigurationTranslator | 0.08 |
| testSuccess | 0.00 |
| testNullInput | 0.00 |
| testBadLocator | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrefix | 0.00 |
| testBasics | 0.04 |
| testParentMethod | 0.04 |
| testPropertyNameDefaultsToAttributeName | 0.12 |
| testComplexAttributeName | 0.04 |
| testExtraAttributeNames | 0.04 |
| testDuplicateAttribute | 0.04 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testSmartFacet | 0.13 |
| testInitializeMethodFailure | 0.10 |
| testBuilderErrorHandlerFacet | 0.00 |
| testSetErrorHandler | 0.17 |
| testConstructErrorHandler | 0.07 |
| testBuilderClassResolverFacet | 0.01 |
| testSetClassResolver | 0.08 |
| testConstructClassResolver | 0.07 |
| testAutowire | 0.01 |
| testAutowireInitializer | 0.00 |
| testAutowireServices | 0.00 |
| testAutowireConstructor | 0.01 |
| testAutowireConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testSetObject | 0.23 |
| testAutowireService | 0.07 |
| testBuilderAccess | 0.11 |
| testBuilderAccessFailure | 0.11 |
| testConstructorFactory | 0.26 |
| testKeywords | 0.00 |
| testComplexSymbol | 0.00 |
| testParens | 0.00 |
| testInvalidCharacter | 0.00 |
| testSymbolAtEnd | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.04 |
| testEmpty | 0.03 |
| testNullElement | 0.05 |
| testAttributeDefaults | 0.06 |
| testNested | 0.03 |
| testStructured | 0.03 |
| testSetParent | 0.04 |
| testBooleanTranslator | 0.17 |
| testIntTranslator | 0.05 |
| testInstanceTranslator | 0.03 |
| testSymbols | 0.07 |
| testNoSchema | 0.03 |
| testLocalized | 0.06 |
| testElementsProxyList | 0.16 |
| testTooFew | 0.03 |
| testTooMany | 0.04 |
| testBadAttributes | 0.03 |
| testBadElement | 0.04 |
| testCustomRule | 0.04 |
| testCustomRuleFailure | 0.01 |
| testResourceTranslator | 0.07 |
| testShutdown | 0.05 |
| testUnknownContribution | 0.15 |
| testInt | 0.00 |
| testNullInput | 0.00 |
| testBlankInput | 0.00 |
| testDefault | 0.00 |
| testDouble | 0.00 |
| testString | 0.00 |
| testObjectAsString | 0.01 |
| testStringWithNoEditor | 0.00 |
| testNoEditor | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testNestedSubModule | 0.05 |
| testMissingSubModule | 0.06 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testBadClass | 0.01 |
| testUnrecognizedValue | 0.00 |
| testBadField | 0.00 |
| testNoClassOrService | 0.00 |
| testGetContentTranslator | 0.01 |
| testGetContentTranslatorUnspecified | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeTranslator | 0.00 |
| testStackEmpty | 0.00 |
| testKeyedElement | 0.01 |
| testUniqueElement | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeDefault | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationTranslator | 0.20 |
| testFailure | 0.09 |
| testMappedConfigurationTranslator | 0.08 |
| testSuccess | 0.00 |
| testNullInput | 0.00 |
| testBadLocator | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrefix | 0.00 |
| testBasics | 0.04 |
| testParentMethod | 0.04 |
| testPropertyNameDefaultsToAttributeName | 0.12 |
| testComplexAttributeName | 0.04 |
| testExtraAttributeNames | 0.04 |
| testDuplicateAttribute | 0.04 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testSmartFacet | 0.13 |
| testInitializeMethodFailure | 0.10 |
| testBuilderErrorHandlerFacet | 0.00 |
| testSetErrorHandler | 0.17 |
| testConstructErrorHandler | 0.07 |
| testBuilderClassResolverFacet | 0.01 |
| testSetClassResolver | 0.08 |
| testConstructClassResolver | 0.07 |
| testAutowire | 0.01 |
| testAutowireInitializer | 0.00 |
| testAutowireServices | 0.00 |
| testAutowireConstructor | 0.01 |
| testAutowireConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testSetObject | 0.23 |
| testAutowireService | 0.07 |
| testBuilderAccess | 0.11 |
| testBuilderAccessFailure | 0.11 |
| testConstructorFactory | 0.26 |
| testKeywords | 0.00 |
| testComplexSymbol | 0.00 |
| testParens | 0.00 |
| testInvalidCharacter | 0.00 |
| testSymbolAtEnd | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testNestedSubModule | 0.05 |
| testMissingSubModule | 0.06 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testBadClass | 0.01 |
| testUnrecognizedValue | 0.00 |
| testBadField | 0.00 |
| testNoClassOrService | 0.00 |
| testGetContentTranslator | 0.01 |
| testGetContentTranslatorUnspecified | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeTranslator | 0.00 |
| testStackEmpty | 0.00 |
| testKeyedElement | 0.01 |
| testUniqueElement | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeDefault | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testNestedSubModule | 0.05 |
| testMissingSubModule | 0.06 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testBadClass | 0.01 |
| testUnrecognizedValue | 0.00 |
| testBadField | 0.00 |
| testNoClassOrService | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testNestedSubModule | 0.05 |
| testMissingSubModule | 0.06 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testBadClass | 0.01 |
| testUnrecognizedValue | 0.00 |
| testBadField | 0.00 |
| testNoClassOrService | 0.00 |
| testGetContentTranslator | 0.01 |
| testGetContentTranslatorUnspecified | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeTranslator | 0.00 |
| testStackEmpty | 0.00 |
| testKeyedElement | 0.01 |
| testUniqueElement | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeDefault | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationTranslator | 0.20 |
| testFailure | 0.09 |
| testMappedConfigurationTranslator | 0.08 |
| testSuccess | 0.00 |
| testNullInput | 0.00 |
| testBadLocator | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrefix | 0.00 |
| testBasics | 0.04 |
| testParentMethod | 0.04 |
| testPropertyNameDefaultsToAttributeName | 0.12 |
| testComplexAttributeName | 0.04 |
| testExtraAttributeNames | 0.04 |
| testDuplicateAttribute | 0.04 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testSmartFacet | 0.13 |
| testInitializeMethodFailure | 0.10 |
| testBuilderErrorHandlerFacet | 0.00 |
| testSetErrorHandler | 0.17 |
| testConstructErrorHandler | 0.07 |
| testBuilderClassResolverFacet | 0.01 |
| testSetClassResolver | 0.08 |
| testConstructClassResolver | 0.07 |
| testAutowire | 0.01 |
| testAutowireInitializer | 0.00 |
| testAutowireServices | 0.00 |
| testAutowireConstructor | 0.01 |
| testAutowireConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testSetObject | 0.23 |
| testAutowireService | 0.07 |
| testBuilderAccess | 0.11 |
| testBuilderAccessFailure | 0.11 |
| testConstructorFactory | 0.26 |
| testKeywords | 0.00 |
| testComplexSymbol | 0.00 |
| testParens | 0.00 |
| testInvalidCharacter | 0.00 |
| testSymbolAtEnd | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.04 |
| testEmpty | 0.03 |
| testNullElement | 0.05 |
| testAttributeDefaults | 0.06 |
| testNested | 0.03 |
| testStructured | 0.03 |
| testSetParent | 0.04 |
| testBooleanTranslator | 0.17 |
| testIntTranslator | 0.05 |
| testInstanceTranslator | 0.03 |
| testSymbols | 0.07 |
| testNoSchema | 0.03 |
| testLocalized | 0.06 |
| testElementsProxyList | 0.16 |
| testTooFew | 0.03 |
| testTooMany | 0.04 |
| testBadAttributes | 0.03 |
| testBadElement | 0.04 |
| testCustomRule | 0.04 |
| testCustomRuleFailure | 0.01 |
| testResourceTranslator | 0.07 |
| testShutdown | 0.05 |
| testUnknownContribution | 0.15 |
| testInt | 0.00 |
| testNullInput | 0.00 |
| testBlankInput | 0.00 |
| testDefault | 0.00 |
| testDouble | 0.00 |
| testString | 0.00 |
| testObjectAsString | 0.01 |
| testStringWithNoEditor | 0.00 |
| testNoEditor | 0.00 |
| testIntTranslator | 0.00 |
| testIntDefault | 0.00 |
| testIntLow | 0.00 |
| testIntHigh | 0.00 |
| testIntDefaultValue | 0.00 |
| testIntInvalid | 0.00 |
| testLongTranslator | 0.00 |
| testLongDefault | 0.00 |
| testLongLow | 0.00 |
| testLongHigh | 0.00 |
| testLongDefaultValue | 0.00 |
| testLongInvalid | 0.00 |
| testDoubleTranslator | 0.00 |
| testDoubleDefault | 0.00 |
| testDoubleLow | 0.00 |
| testDoubleHigh | 0.00 |
| testDoubleDefaultValue | 0.00 |
| testDoubleInvalid | 0.00 |
| testNoFile | 0.01 |
| testNoDescriptors | 0.00 |
| testMissingURLResource | 2.33 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testNestedSubModule | 0.05 |
| testMissingSubModule | 0.06 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testBadClass | 0.01 |
| testUnrecognizedValue | 0.00 |
| testBadField | 0.00 |
| testNoClassOrService | 0.00 |
| testGetContentTranslator | 0.01 |
| testGetContentTranslatorUnspecified | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeTranslator | 0.00 |
| testStackEmpty | 0.00 |
| testKeyedElement | 0.01 |
| testUniqueElement | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeDefault | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationTranslator | 0.20 |
| testFailure | 0.09 |
| testMappedConfigurationTranslator | 0.08 |
| testSuccess | 0.00 |
| testNullInput | 0.00 |
| testBadLocator | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testNestedSubModule | 0.05 |
| testMissingSubModule | 0.06 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testBadClass | 0.01 |
| testUnrecognizedValue | 0.00 |
| testBadField | 0.00 |
| testNoClassOrService | 0.00 |
| testGetContentTranslator | 0.01 |
| testGetContentTranslatorUnspecified | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeTranslator | 0.00 |
| testStackEmpty | 0.00 |
| testKeyedElement | 0.01 |
| testUniqueElement | 0.00 |
| testGetAttributeDefault | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationTranslator | 0.20 |
| testFailure | 0.09 |
| testMappedConfigurationTranslator | 0.08 |
| testSuccess | 0.00 |
| testNullInput | 0.00 |
| testBadLocator | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrefix | 0.00 |
| testBasics | 0.04 |
| testParentMethod | 0.04 |
| testPropertyNameDefaultsToAttributeName | 0.12 |
| testComplexAttributeName | 0.04 |
| testExtraAttributeNames | 0.04 |
| testDuplicateAttribute | 0.04 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testSmartFacet | 0.13 |
| testInitializeMethodFailure | 0.10 |
| testBuilderErrorHandlerFacet | 0.00 |
| testSetErrorHandler | 0.17 |
| testConstructErrorHandler | 0.07 |
| testBuilderClassResolverFacet | 0.01 |
| testSetClassResolver | 0.08 |
| testConstructClassResolver | 0.07 |
| testAutowire | 0.01 |
| testAutowireInitializer | 0.00 |
| testAutowireServices | 0.00 |
| testAutowireConstructor | 0.01 |
| testAutowireConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testSetObject | 0.23 |
| testAutowireService | 0.07 |
| testBuilderAccess | 0.11 |
| testBuilderAccessFailure | 0.11 |
| testConstructorFactory | 0.26 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testSetModuleRule | 0.14 |
| testSingleTerm | 0.01 |
| testExtraToken | 0.01 |
| testTermAsExpression | 0.01 |
| testNot | 0.00 |
| testMissingToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongToken | 0.00 |
| testWrongTokenInTerm | 0.00 |
| testAnd | 0.00 |
| testOr | 0.00 |
| testTokenTypeToString | 0.00 |
| testTokenToStringNoValue | 0.00 |
| testTokenToString | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.00 |
| testServiceObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationObjectProvider | 0.00 |
| testInstanceProvider | 0.01 |
| testInstanceProviderFailure | 0.00 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProvider | 0.01 |
| testServicePropertyObjectProviderWithInvalidLocator | 0.02 |
| testClassProvider | 0.00 |
| testAddDupeSchema | 0.04 |
| testManaged | 1.26 |
| testUniquenessViolated | 0.11 |
| testFalseUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.07 |
| testNoUniqueAttributeConstraint | 0.16 |
| testPropertyEvaluator | 0.01 |
| testClassNameEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testNotEvaluator | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testAndEvaluatorFalse | 0.01 |
| testOrEvaluatorTrue | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorShortcicuit | 0.00 |
| testOrEvaluatorFalse | 0.00 |
| testGetFirstParameter | 0.01 |
| testSchemaResolving | 0.00 |
| testSchemaNotVisible | 0.01 |
| testSchemaNotFound | 0.01 |
| testContributionConditionalExpressionTrue | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionFalse | 0.00 |
| testConditionalExpressionError | 0.00 |
| testShutdown | 0.20 |
| testLoadsFromWebInf | 0.19 |
| testBasic | 0.08 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testServicePointTranslator | 0.00 |
| testConstructorAndGetters | 0.00 |
| testEvaluate | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithInitializer | 0.01 |
| testConfiguration | 0.15 |
| testConfigurationFailure | 0.06 |
| testService | 0.06 |
| testServiceFailure | 0.13 |
| testUniqueService | 0.06 |
| testUniqueServiceFailure | 0.10 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testInitializer | 0.01 |
| testBadClass | 0.00 |
| testPrivateObject | 0.00 |
| testWrongType | 0.05 |
| testClassTranslator | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.08 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.00 |
| testNullId | 0.00 |
| testNonNullId | 0.00 |
| testNullList | 0.00 |
| testNonNullList | 0.01 |
| testFactory | 0.12 |
| testAutowireBeanServiceProperty | 0.12 |
| testPrimitive | 0.38 |
| testSingleton | 0.23 |
| testThreaded | 0.58 |
| testPooled | 0.37 |
| testComplex | 0.10 |
| testWrongNumberOfParameters | 0.01 |
| testInvokeFactoryServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCachingOfTranslatedValues | 0.02 |
| testAssignableFromBadValue | 0.00 |
| testClass | 0.00 |
| testProperty | 0.00 |
| testInsideBuilderFactory | 0.18 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.00 |
| testServiceTranslator | 0.22 |
| testBadElement | 0.01 |
| testModuleAttributes | 0.01 |
| testConfigurationPointAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionAttributes | 0.01 |
| testContributionElements | 0.01 |
| testServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testImplementation | 0.00 |
| testConfigurationPointSchema | 0.01 |
| testBadElementAttributeKey | 0.01 |
| testRules | 0.01 |
| testParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateContributionsSchema | 0.01 |
| testDuplicateParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testBadAttribute | 0.01 |
| testMissingAttribute | 0.00 |
| testBadConfigurationId | 0.01 |
| testBadModuleId | 0.00 |
| testBadVersion | 0.00 |
| testSchemaDescription | 0.01 |
| testEmbeddedConfigSchema | 0.00 |
| testEmbeddedParametersSchema | 0.01 |
| testSetPropertyRule | 0.00 |
| testPushAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testPushContentRule | 0.01 |
| testPrivateServicePoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateConfigurationPoint | 0.01 |
| testPrivateSchema | 0.00 |
| testContributionIf | 0.00 |
| testImplementationIf | 0.01 |
| testModuleWithPackage | 0.00 |
| testInterfaceNameQualifiedToModulePackage | 0.01 |
| testNoInterface | 0.00 |
| testReadAttributeRule | 0.01 |
| testErrorInInitializer | 0.01 |
| testListPropertyAutowire | 0.20 |
| testInvokeFailure | 0.04 |
| testNullParameter | 0.00 |
| testGetMethod | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNoSymbols | 0.00 |
| testFalseStart | 0.00 |
| testNestedBraces | 0.00 |
| testEmptySymbol | 0.00 |
| testTrailingDollar | 0.00 |
| testEndsWithPartialSymbol | 0.00 |
| testMissingSymbol | 0.00 |
| testEscaped | 0.00 |
| testEscapedAtStart | 0.00 |
| testSystemPropertiesSymbolSource | 0.00 |
| testSuccess | 0.03 |
| testNestedSubModule | 0.05 |
| testMissingSubModule | 0.06 |