Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceByInterface | 0.00 |
| testResolveType | 0.00 |
| testResolveTypeCache | 0.01 |
| testResolveTypeFailure | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testQuoted | 0.01 |
| testNested | 0.00 |
| testAddln | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testNoCountry | 0.00 |
| testVariantWithoutCountry | 0.00 |
| testNullLocale | 0.00 |
| testNullSuffix | 0.00 |
| testForException | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.01 |
| testSetLocation | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.01 |
| testFindLocalization | 0.00 |
| testNoLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExisting | 0.00 |
| testMissing | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithLocale | 0.00 |
| testGetLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExtensionLess | 0.00 |
| testWithNoPackage | 0.01 |
| testEagerLoaderImpl | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadSingleton | 0.02 |
| testEagerLoadPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadThreaded | 0.14 |
| testEagerLoadPooled | 0.03 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceByInterface | 0.00 |
| testResolveType | 0.00 |
| testResolveTypeCache | 0.01 |
| testResolveTypeFailure | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testQuoted | 0.01 |
| testNested | 0.00 |
| testAddln | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testNoCountry | 0.00 |
| testVariantWithoutCountry | 0.00 |
| testNullLocale | 0.00 |
| testNullSuffix | 0.00 |
| testForException | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.01 |
| testSetLocation | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.01 |
| testFindLocalization | 0.00 |
| testNoLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExisting | 0.00 |
| testMissing | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithLocale | 0.00 |
| testGetLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExtensionLess | 0.00 |
| testWithNoPackage | 0.01 |
| testEagerLoaderImpl | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadSingleton | 0.02 |
| testEagerLoadPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadThreaded | 0.14 |
| testEagerLoadPooled | 0.03 |
| testLocaleOverridesBase | 0.00 |
| testLocaleDoeNotObscureBase | 0.01 |
| testExactNameFilter | 0.00 |
| testNamePrefixFilter | 0.00 |
| testNameSuffixFilter | 0.00 |
| testInfixNameFilter | 0.00 |
| testParameterCountFilter | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterIntArg | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterIntegerArg | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterArrayArg | 0.01 |
| testParameterFilterScalarArrayArg | 0.00 |
| testCompositeFilter | 0.00 |
| testMatchAllFilter | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testExtendingInterface | 0.00 |
| testExtendingSubInterface | 0.01 |
| testIgnoreStaticAndPrivateMethods | 0.00 |
| testMatching | 0.00 |
| testBadPattern | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testAllNull | 0.00 |
| testOrdering | 0.00 |
| testLocatable | 0.00 |
| testNullLocatable | 0.00 |
| testSkipOther | 0.00 |
| testToLocationStringNull | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceByInterface | 0.00 |
| testResolveType | 0.00 |
| testResolveTypeCache | 0.01 |
| testResolveTypeFailure | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testQuoted | 0.01 |
| testNested | 0.00 |
| testAddln | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testNoCountry | 0.00 |
| testVariantWithoutCountry | 0.00 |
| testNullLocale | 0.00 |
| testNullSuffix | 0.00 |
| testForException | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.01 |
| testSetLocation | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.01 |
| testFindLocalization | 0.00 |
| testNoLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExisting | 0.00 |
| testMissing | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithLocale | 0.00 |
| testGetLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExtensionLess | 0.00 |
| testWithNoPackage | 0.01 |
| testEagerLoaderImpl | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadSingleton | 0.02 |
| testEagerLoadPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadThreaded | 0.14 |
| testEagerLoadPooled | 0.03 |
| testLocaleOverridesBase | 0.00 |
| testLocaleDoeNotObscureBase | 0.01 |
| testExactNameFilter | 0.00 |
| testNamePrefixFilter | 0.00 |
| testNameSuffixFilter | 0.00 |
| testInfixNameFilter | 0.00 |
| testParameterCountFilter | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterIntArg | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterIntegerArg | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterArrayArg | 0.01 |
| testParameterFilterScalarArrayArg | 0.00 |
| testCompositeFilter | 0.00 |
| testMatchAllFilter | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testExtendingInterface | 0.00 |
| testExtendingSubInterface | 0.01 |
| testIgnoreStaticAndPrivateMethods | 0.00 |
| testMatching | 0.00 |
| testBadPattern | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testAllNull | 0.00 |
| testOrdering | 0.00 |
| testLocatable | 0.00 |
| testNullLocatable | 0.00 |
| testSkipOther | 0.00 |
| testToLocationStringNull | 0.00 |
| testPooledCalled | 0.08 |
| testSingleton | 0.06 |
| testPrimitive | 0.14 |
| testSingletonBeanRegistryShutdownListener | 0.05 |
| testThreadedBeanRegistryShutdownListener | 0.05 |
| testPooledBeanRegistryShutdownListener | 0.05 |
| testPrimitiveBeanRegistryShutdownListener | 0.03 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceByInterface | 0.00 |
| testResolveType | 0.00 |
| testResolveTypeCache | 0.01 |
| testResolveTypeFailure | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testQuoted | 0.01 |
| testNested | 0.00 |
| testAddln | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testNoCountry | 0.00 |
| testVariantWithoutCountry | 0.00 |
| testNullLocale | 0.00 |
| testNullSuffix | 0.00 |
| testForException | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.01 |
| testSetLocation | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.01 |
| testFindLocalization | 0.00 |
| testNoLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExisting | 0.00 |
| testMissing | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithLocale | 0.00 |
| testGetLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExtensionLess | 0.00 |
| testWithNoPackage | 0.01 |
| testEagerLoaderImpl | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadSingleton | 0.02 |
| testEagerLoadPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadThreaded | 0.14 |
| testEagerLoadPooled | 0.03 |
| testLocaleOverridesBase | 0.00 |
| testLocaleDoeNotObscureBase | 0.01 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceByInterface | 0.00 |
| testResolveType | 0.00 |
| testResolveTypeCache | 0.01 |
| testResolveTypeFailure | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testQuoted | 0.01 |
| testNested | 0.00 |
| testAddln | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testNoCountry | 0.00 |
| testVariantWithoutCountry | 0.00 |
| testNullLocale | 0.00 |
| testNullSuffix | 0.00 |
| testForException | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.01 |
| testSetLocation | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.01 |
| testFindLocalization | 0.00 |
| testNoLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExisting | 0.00 |
| testMissing | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithLocale | 0.00 |
| testGetLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExtensionLess | 0.00 |
| testWithNoPackage | 0.01 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceByInterface | 0.00 |
| testResolveType | 0.00 |
| testResolveTypeCache | 0.01 |
| testResolveTypeFailure | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceByInterface | 0.00 |
| testResolveType | 0.00 |
| testResolveTypeCache | 0.01 |
| testResolveTypeFailure | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testQuoted | 0.01 |
| testNested | 0.00 |
| testAddln | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testNoCountry | 0.00 |
| testVariantWithoutCountry | 0.00 |
| testNullLocale | 0.00 |
| testNullSuffix | 0.00 |
| testForException | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.01 |
| testSetLocation | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.01 |
| testFindLocalization | 0.00 |
| testNoLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExisting | 0.00 |
| testMissing | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithLocale | 0.00 |
| testGetLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExtensionLess | 0.00 |
| testWithNoPackage | 0.01 |
| testEagerLoaderImpl | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadSingleton | 0.02 |
| testEagerLoadPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadThreaded | 0.14 |
| testEagerLoadPooled | 0.03 |
| testLocaleOverridesBase | 0.00 |
| testLocaleDoeNotObscureBase | 0.01 |
| testExactNameFilter | 0.00 |
| testNamePrefixFilter | 0.00 |
| testNameSuffixFilter | 0.00 |
| testInfixNameFilter | 0.00 |
| testParameterCountFilter | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterIntArg | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterIntegerArg | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterArrayArg | 0.01 |
| testParameterFilterScalarArrayArg | 0.00 |
| testCompositeFilter | 0.00 |
| testMatchAllFilter | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceByInterface | 0.00 |
| testResolveType | 0.00 |
| testResolveTypeCache | 0.01 |
| testResolveTypeFailure | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testQuoted | 0.01 |
| testNested | 0.00 |
| testAddln | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testNoCountry | 0.00 |
| testVariantWithoutCountry | 0.00 |
| testNullLocale | 0.00 |
| testNullSuffix | 0.00 |
| testForException | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.01 |
| testSetLocation | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.01 |
| testFindLocalization | 0.00 |
| testNoLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExisting | 0.00 |
| testMissing | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithLocale | 0.00 |
| testGetLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExtensionLess | 0.00 |
| testWithNoPackage | 0.01 |
| testEagerLoaderImpl | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadSingleton | 0.02 |
| testEagerLoadPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadThreaded | 0.14 |
| testEagerLoadPooled | 0.03 |
| testLocaleOverridesBase | 0.00 |
| testLocaleDoeNotObscureBase | 0.01 |
| testExactNameFilter | 0.00 |
| testNamePrefixFilter | 0.00 |
| testNameSuffixFilter | 0.00 |
| testInfixNameFilter | 0.00 |
| testParameterCountFilter | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterIntArg | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterIntegerArg | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterArrayArg | 0.01 |
| testParameterFilterScalarArrayArg | 0.00 |
| testCompositeFilter | 0.00 |
| testMatchAllFilter | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testExtendingInterface | 0.00 |
| testExtendingSubInterface | 0.01 |
| testIgnoreStaticAndPrivateMethods | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceByInterface | 0.00 |
| testResolveType | 0.00 |
| testResolveTypeCache | 0.01 |
| testResolveTypeFailure | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testQuoted | 0.01 |
| testNested | 0.00 |
| testAddln | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testNoCountry | 0.00 |
| testVariantWithoutCountry | 0.00 |
| testNullLocale | 0.00 |
| testNullSuffix | 0.00 |
| testForException | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.01 |
| testSetLocation | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.01 |
| testFindLocalization | 0.00 |
| testNoLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExisting | 0.00 |
| testMissing | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithLocale | 0.00 |
| testGetLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExtensionLess | 0.00 |
| testWithNoPackage | 0.01 |
| testEagerLoaderImpl | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadSingleton | 0.02 |
| testEagerLoadPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadThreaded | 0.14 |
| testEagerLoadPooled | 0.03 |
| testLocaleOverridesBase | 0.00 |
| testLocaleDoeNotObscureBase | 0.01 |
| testExactNameFilter | 0.00 |
| testNamePrefixFilter | 0.00 |
| testNameSuffixFilter | 0.00 |
| testInfixNameFilter | 0.00 |
| testParameterCountFilter | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterIntArg | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterIntegerArg | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterArrayArg | 0.01 |
| testParameterFilterScalarArrayArg | 0.00 |
| testCompositeFilter | 0.00 |
| testMatchAllFilter | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testExtendingInterface | 0.00 |
| testExtendingSubInterface | 0.01 |
| testIgnoreStaticAndPrivateMethods | 0.00 |
| testMatching | 0.00 |
| testBadPattern | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testAllNull | 0.00 |
| testOrdering | 0.00 |
| testLocatable | 0.00 |
| testNullLocatable | 0.00 |
| testSkipOther | 0.00 |
| testToLocationStringNull | 0.00 |
| testPooledCalled | 0.08 |
| testSingleton | 0.06 |
| testPrimitive | 0.14 |
| testSingletonBeanRegistryShutdownListener | 0.05 |
| testThreadedBeanRegistryShutdownListener | 0.05 |
| testPooledBeanRegistryShutdownListener | 0.05 |
| testPrimitiveBeanRegistryShutdownListener | 0.03 |
| testInvocationTargetException | 0.00 |
| testOutOfRange | 0.00 |
| testCompareNull | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceByInterface | 0.00 |
| testResolveType | 0.00 |
| testResolveTypeCache | 0.01 |
| testResolveTypeFailure | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testQuoted | 0.01 |
| testNested | 0.00 |
| testAddln | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testNoCountry | 0.00 |
| testVariantWithoutCountry | 0.00 |
| testNullLocale | 0.00 |
| testNullSuffix | 0.00 |
| testForException | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.01 |
| testSetLocation | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.01 |
| testFindLocalization | 0.00 |
| testNoLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExisting | 0.00 |
| testMissing | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithLocale | 0.00 |
| testGetLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExtensionLess | 0.00 |
| testWithNoPackage | 0.01 |
| testEagerLoaderImpl | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadSingleton | 0.02 |
| testEagerLoadPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadThreaded | 0.14 |
| testEagerLoadPooled | 0.03 |
| testLocaleOverridesBase | 0.00 |
| testLocaleDoeNotObscureBase | 0.01 |
| testExactNameFilter | 0.00 |
| testNamePrefixFilter | 0.00 |
| testNameSuffixFilter | 0.00 |
| testInfixNameFilter | 0.00 |
| testParameterCountFilter | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterIntArg | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterIntegerArg | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterArrayArg | 0.01 |
| testParameterFilterScalarArrayArg | 0.00 |
| testCompositeFilter | 0.00 |
| testMatchAllFilter | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testExtendingInterface | 0.00 |
| testExtendingSubInterface | 0.01 |
| testIgnoreStaticAndPrivateMethods | 0.00 |
| testMatching | 0.00 |
| testBadPattern | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceByInterface | 0.00 |
| testResolveType | 0.00 |
| testResolveTypeCache | 0.01 |
| testResolveTypeFailure | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testQuoted | 0.01 |
| testNested | 0.00 |
| testAddln | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceByInterface | 0.00 |
| testResolveType | 0.00 |
| testResolveTypeCache | 0.01 |
| testResolveTypeFailure | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testQuoted | 0.01 |
| testNested | 0.00 |
| testAddln | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testNoCountry | 0.00 |
| testVariantWithoutCountry | 0.00 |
| testNullLocale | 0.00 |
| testNullSuffix | 0.00 |
| testForException | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.01 |
| testSetLocation | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.01 |
| testFindLocalization | 0.00 |
| testNoLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExisting | 0.00 |
| testMissing | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithLocale | 0.00 |
| testGetLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExtensionLess | 0.00 |
| testWithNoPackage | 0.01 |
| testEagerLoaderImpl | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadSingleton | 0.02 |
| testEagerLoadPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testEagerLoadThreaded | 0.14 |
| testEagerLoadPooled | 0.03 |
| testLocaleOverridesBase | 0.00 |
| testLocaleDoeNotObscureBase | 0.01 |
| testExactNameFilter | 0.00 |
| testNamePrefixFilter | 0.00 |
| testNameSuffixFilter | 0.00 |
| testInfixNameFilter | 0.00 |
| testParameterCountFilter | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterIntArg | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterIntegerArg | 0.00 |
| testParameterFilterArrayArg | 0.01 |
| testParameterFilterScalarArrayArg | 0.00 |
| testCompositeFilter | 0.00 |
| testMatchAllFilter | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testExtendingInterface | 0.00 |
| testExtendingSubInterface | 0.01 |
| testIgnoreStaticAndPrivateMethods | 0.00 |
| testMatching | 0.00 |
| testBadPattern | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testAllNull | 0.00 |
| testOrdering | 0.00 |
| testLocatable | 0.00 |
| testNullLocatable | 0.00 |
| testSkipOther | 0.00 |
| testToLocationStringNull | 0.00 |
| testPooledCalled | 0.08 |
| testSingleton | 0.06 |
| testPrimitive | 0.14 |
| testSingletonBeanRegistryShutdownListener | 0.05 |
| testThreadedBeanRegistryShutdownListener | 0.05 |
| testPooledBeanRegistryShutdownListener | 0.05 |
| testPrimitiveBeanRegistryShutdownListener | 0.03 |
| testInvocationTargetException | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceByInterface | 0.00 |
| testResolveType | 0.00 |
| testResolveTypeCache | 0.01 |
| testResolveTypeFailure | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testQuoted | 0.01 |
| testNested | 0.00 |
| testAddln | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testNoCountry | 0.00 |
| testVariantWithoutCountry | 0.00 |
| testNullLocale | 0.00 |
| testNullSuffix | 0.00 |
| testForException | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.01 |
| testSetLocation | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.01 |
| testFindLocalization | 0.00 |
| testNoLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExisting | 0.00 |
| testMissing | 0.00 |
| testCreateWithLocale | 0.00 |
| testGetLocalization | 0.00 |
| testExtensionLess | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceByInterface | 0.00 |
| testResolveType | 0.00 |
| testResolveTypeCache | 0.01 |
| testResolveTypeFailure | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testQuoted | 0.01 |
| testNested | 0.00 |
| testAddln | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testNoCountry | 0.00 |
| testVariantWithoutCountry | 0.00 |
| testNullLocale | 0.00 |
| testNullSuffix | 0.00 |
| testForException | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testComplex | 0.01 |
| testSetLocation | 0.00 |
| testFailure | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |
| testConstructor | 0.01 |
| testLocalizationExists | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationSame | 0.00 |
| testLocalizationMissing | 0.00 |
| testGetRelativeResource | 0.00 |
| testNoName | 0.00 |
| testNameMatch | 0.01 |
| testNoMatch | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchingName | 0.00 |
| testIncompatible | 0.01 |
| testNoProducer | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceByInterface | 0.00 |
| testResolveType | 0.00 |
| testResolveTypeCache | 0.01 |
| testResolveTypeFailure | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testQuoted | 0.01 |
| testNested | 0.00 |
| testAddln | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern1 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern2 | 0.00 |
| testAddPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testAddlnPattern3 | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testNoCountry | 0.00 |
| testVariantWithoutCountry | 0.00 |
| testNullLocale | 0.00 |
| testNullSuffix | 0.00 |
| testForException | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.48 |
| testSimple | 0.08 |
| testCache | 0.03 |
| testInterceptorSort | 0.09 |
| testLogging | 0.06 |
| testLoggingMethodFilters | 0.11 |
| testRecursiveService | 0.00 |
| testArrayResult | 0.04 |
| testToString | 0.03 |
| testNoMatch | 0.01 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testNoMatchReturnsDefault | 0.00 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testMatchPriority | 0.00 |
| testParseException | 0.00 |
| testParseExceptionWithLocation | 0.03 |
| testConstructor | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testCreateBean | 0.01 |
| testConstructorFromBaseClass | 0.00 |
| testInvalidSuperClass | 0.07 |
| testAddInterface | 0.00 |
| testSubclassFromFinal | 0.01 |
| testInPackage | 0.00 |
| testBadMethodBody | 0.00 |
| testGetMethodFab | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethod | 0.01 |
| testExtendMethodAlterReturn | 0.00 |
| testExtendMethodFailure | 0.01 |
| testDupeMethodAdd | 0.00 |
| testBadConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCatchException | 0.00 |
| testBadCatch | 0.00 |
| testInvalidField | 0.00 |
| testCanConvert | 0.15 |
| testSimple | 0.07 |
| testThreaded | 0.13 |
| testPooled | 0.05 |
| testAdd | 0.00 |
| testRemove | 0.00 |
| testNotifierClearsListenerListAfterFire | 0.00 |
| testListenerThrowsException | 0.01 |
| testUniqueGetServiceByInterface | 0.09 |
| testNonExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.02 |
| testMultipleExistentGetServiceByInterface | 0.03 |
| testNoNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringShort | 0.00 |
| testWithLine | 0.00 |
| testWithNumbers | 0.00 |
| testToStringLong | 0.00 |
| testEqualsBare | 0.00 |
| testEqualsLineNo | 0.00 |
| testEqualsFull | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeBare | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeLineNo | 0.00 |
| testHashCodeFull | 0.00 |
| testLoggingOverProxy | 0.01 |
| testJavassistProxies | 0.04 |
| testCglibProxies | 0.02 |
| testJdkProxies | 0.10 |
| testToStringNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testToStringWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testGetInstanceClass | 0.01 |
| testAddNoOpMethod | 0.01 |
| testGenerateClassName | 0.00 |
| testAddInterface | 0.01 |
| testCreateEmptyInterface | 0.00 |
| testAddMethod | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateInterface | 0.00 |
| testCapitalize | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeEmpty | 0.00 |
| testCapitalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testSplit | 0.00 |
| testSplitSingle | 0.00 |
| testSplitNull | 0.00 |
| testSplitEmpty | 0.00 |
| testSplitTrailingComma | 0.00 |
| testJoin | 0.00 |
| testJoinNull | 0.00 |
| testJoinEmpty | 0.00 |
| testGetMissingExtensionPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetUnqualifiedServicePoint | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsNoServices | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIdsInterfaceNotFound | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceIds | 0.00 |
| testDoubleStartup | 0.00 |
| testUnknownServiceModelFactory | 0.00 |
| testConstructDefaultRegistry | 0.24 |
| testDuplicateModuleId | 0.00 |
| testDuplicateExtensionPoints | 0.00 |
| testNonArrayUnchanged | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectArray | 0.00 |
| testPrimitiveMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testObjectMultiArray | 0.00 |
| testGetPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCount | 0.00 |
| testEmpty | 0.00 |
| testExactName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidName | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParams | 0.00 |
| testInvalidParamCount | 0.01 |
| testMatchAll | 0.00 |
| testNameMissing | 0.00 |
| testParameterTypes | 0.00 |
| testPrefix | 0.00 |
| testSubstring | 0.00 |
| testSuffix | 0.00 |
| testRead | 0.00 |
| testWrite | 0.01 |
| testMissingProperty | 0.00 |
| testReadOnly | 0.00 |
| testWriteOnly | 0.00 |
| testReadFailure | 0.00 |
| testWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testIntrospectFailure | 0.01 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyType | 0.00 |
| testIsReadable | 0.00 |
| testIsWriteable | 0.01 |
| testGetReadable | 0.00 |
| testGetWriteable | 0.00 |
| testGetPropertyAdaptor | 0.00 |
| testSmartWrite | 0.01 |
| testSmartWriteWrapper | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteFailure | 0.00 |
| testSmartWriteNoPropertyEditor | 0.01 |
| testConfigureProperties | 0.00 |
| testConfigureBooleanProperty | 0.00 |
| testConfigureMultipleProperties | 0.00 |
| testSingleThread | 0.25 |
| testThreaded | 0.04 |
| testIgnoreRegistyShutdownListener | 0.13 |
| testDiscardable | 0.03 |
| testNone | 0.00 |
| testOnePlus | 0.00 |
| testRequired | 0.00 |
| testUnbounded | 0.00 |
| testOptional | 0.00 |
| testMockForClass | 0.14 |
| testPlaceholder | 0.01 |
| testGetNoSupport | 0.00 |
| testStore | 0.01 |
| testIntegration | 0.03 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testDefaultErrorHandlerWithNoLocation | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandler | 0.00 |
| testStrictErrorHandlerWithLocation | 0.00 |
| testMissingRequiredModule | 0.00 |
| testDependency | 0.00 |
| testShutdownSingleton | 0.04 |
| testRegistryShutdownUnrepeatable | 0.02 |
| testShutdownThreaded | 0.06 |
| testSingletonCore | 0.03 |
| testPrimitiveCore | 0.03 |
| testDefaultInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testCustomInterceptorOrdering | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathEquals | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameResource | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSameFolder | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelative | 0.00 |
| testClasspathAbsolute | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalize | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeMissing | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeDefault | 0.00 |
| testClasspathLocalizeNull | 0.00 |
| testClasspathRelativeSamePath | 0.00 |
| testTrailingSlash | 0.00 |
| testLocalizeExtensionless | 0.00 |
| testUnknownInterfaceClass | 0.00 |
| testResultNotAssignableToServiceInterface | 0.02 |
| testNoDependencies | 0.01 |
| testPrereq | 0.00 |
| testPostreq | 0.00 |
| testPrePostreq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPrereq | 0.00 |
| testUnknownPostreq | 0.00 |
| testCyclePre | 0.00 |
| testCyclePost | 0.00 |
| testDupe | 0.00 |
| testPreStar | 0.00 |
| testPreStartDupe | 0.00 |
| testPostStar | 0.00 |
| testPostStarDupe | 0.00 |
| testNoObjects | 0.00 |
| testException | 0.00 |
| testDefaultClassLoader | 0.00 |
| testGetResource | 0.00 |
| testFindClassSuccess | 0.00 |
| testFindClassFailure | 0.00 |
| testFindClassPrimitive | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassExists | 0.00 |
| testCheckClassMissing | 0.00 |
| testFindClassArray | 0.00 |
| testFindPrimitiveArray | 0.00 |
| testNotNull | 0.00 |
| testIsNull | 0.00 |
| testCorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectType | 0.00 |
| testIncorrectTypeWithArrays | 0.00 |
| testFound | 0.01 |
| testNotFound | 0.00 |
| testNotFoundException | 0.00 |
| testExtensionlessResource | 0.00 |
| testThreadSpecific | 0.06 |
| testResetOnThreadCleanup | 0.05 |
| testGetEmpty | 0.00 |
| testPutGet | 0.00 |
| testClear | 0.00 |
| testClearNull | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPublicConfigurationVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToOtherModule | 0.00 |
| testPrivateConfigurationInvisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToApplication | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetConfigurationNotVisibleToModule | 0.00 |
| testGetServiceMatchesPublicOnly | 0.00 |
| testContributionToNonVisibleConfigurationPoint | 0.00 |
| testGetModuleMessages | 0.05 |
| testFound | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCode | 0.00 |
| testEqualsAndHashCodeWithNulls | 0.01 |
| testEqualsNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNull | 0.00 |
| testEqualsNonMethodSignature | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.00 |
| testGetUniqueId | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigTypeMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigNameMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigParametersMismatch | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSig | 0.00 |
| testOverridingSigShortcut | 0.00 |
| testMultipleExceptionsToMatch | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionGetComponent | 0.00 |
| testApplicationRuntimeExceptionThrowableConstructor | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorAccessors | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorTwice | 0.00 |
| testCreateInstanceWithInitializer | 0.00 |
| testCreateClassServiceConstructorFailure | 0.00 |
| testStartupImpl | 0.00 |
| testStartupContribution | 0.02 |
| testMatch | 0.00 |
| testActualIsNull | 0.00 |
| testWrongElementCount | 0.00 |
| testMismatch | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.12 |
| testShutdown | 0.08 |
| testExceptionInInit | 0.00 |
| testDestroyWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testFilterWithoutRepository | 0.00 |
| testBasic | 0.00 |
| testEmptyList | 0.00 |
| testLateAdd | 0.00 |
| testLateRemove | 0.00 |
| testRemoveMissing | 0.00 |
| testIteratorRemoveFailure | 0.00 |
| testOutOfMemoryError | 0.00 |
| testToString | 0.01 |
| testNormal | 0.00 |
| testInherited | 0.00 |
| testFiltersFuplication | 0.00 |
| testFilterInheritedMethods | 0.00 |
| testStrategies | 0.12 |
| testAutowireSingleStrategy | 0.00 |
| testSkipPrimitives | 0.01 |
| testSkipNotNull | 0.00 |
| testQualifyId | 0.00 |
| testQualifiedId | 0.00 |
| testQualifyList | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListStar | 0.00 |
| testQualifyListNull | 0.00 |
| testUnmanaged | 0.04 |
| testShutdownCoordinator | 0.01 |
| testShutdownCoordinatorService | 0.03 |
| testShutdownFailure | 0.00 |
| testSimple | 0.00 |
| testNull | 0.00 |
| testWithHashCode | 0.00 |
| testSetDefault | 0.00 |
| testAppendString | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullString | 0.00 |
| testAppendTwo | 0.00 |
| testAppendObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendNullObject | 0.00 |
| testAppendBoolean | 0.00 |
| testAppendByte | 0.00 |
| testAppendShort | 0.00 |
| testAppendInt | 0.00 |