Package org.apache.hivemind.util

Implementations of Resource and related utilities.


Class Summary
AbstractResource Abstract implementation of Resource.
ClasspathResource Implementation of Resource for resources found within the classpath.
ConstructorUtils Static methods for invoking constructors.
ContextResource Implementation of Resource for resources found within the web application context.
Defense Simple utilities for defensive programming.
EventListenerList Convienience class for tracking a list of event listeners.
FileResource An implementation of Resource built around File.
IdUtils A collection of utilities for handling qualified and unqualified ids.
InstanceCreationUtils Code for creating an instance, possibly setting its Location, and possibly initializing its properties.
IOUtils Tiny utilities used with InputStream and friends.
LocalizedContextResourceFinder Finds localized resources within the web application context.
LocalizedFileResourceFinder Used by FileResource to locate localizations of a given file.
LocalizedNameGenerator Used in a wide variety of resource searches.
LocalizedResource Contains the path to a localized resource and the locale for which it has been localized.
LocalizedResourceFinder Searches for a localization of a particular resource in the classpath (using a ClassResolver.
PropertyAdaptor Used to manage dynamic access to a property of a specific class.
PropertyUtils A collection of static methods used to perform property-level access on arbitrary objects.
StringUtils A subset of the utilities available in commons-lang StringUtils.
ToStringBuilder A simple replacement for the more involved version in commons-lang; this is used to help construct the description string returned by an object's toString() method.
UniqueHashMap Specialized map that guarantees uniqueness of key values.
URLResource An implementation of Resource built around a string representation of a URL.

Package org.apache.hivemind.util Description

Implementations of Resource and related utilities.

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