2009/04/15 - Apache HiveMind has been retired.

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Module hivemind.lib
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[public] Schema hivemind.lib.ChainContribution
Contribution used to set up a chain of commands for use with ChainFactory.
Element <command>
Attribute after Translator: id-list
List of command ids which should be processed before this command.
Attribute before Translator: id-list
List of command ids which should be processed after this command.
Attribute id (required) (unique) Translator: qualified-id
An id for the command, which is used when ordering the commands.
Attribute object (required) Translator: object
The object implementing the command interface.
Conversion Rules
<conversion class="chain.ChainContribution" >
  • <map attribute="object" property="command" />

Module hivemind.lib
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